Trash and Recycling for Businesses
As a business leader, your participation is critical to achieving the waste diversion goals set for our community.
California state law requires businesses to recycle if they generate four (4) cubic yards or more of waste per week.
Frequently asked questions about recycling requirements for businesses
Q: How do I know how much garbage my business generates?
A: The total amount depends on the size of your garbage dumpster and frequency of pickup. Contact EDCO for help.
Q: My business is located in a shopping center. Who is responsible for recycling, me or the shopping center?
A: Recycling activities are the responsibility of whoever pays for garbage collection. If you receive a bill from EDCO Disposal, then you will be responsible for setting up a recycling program at your business.
Q: What if I lease or rent out commercial property?
A: If your business generates four (4) or more cubic yards of waste per week, then the property owner must require tenants to separate waste and recyclables.
Q: Who should I contact if I need more information or have questions?
A: The City Public Works Department is ready to help you and your business get started recycling, or even improve an existing program.
What can be recycled?
- Aluminum
- Tin
- Glass
- Paper
- Cardboard
- Magazines
- Catalogs
- Newspapers
- Junk Mail
- All plastic jugs, bottles & containers marked #1 through #7 or labeled “CA Redemption Value”
No hazardous waste (paint, chemicals, corrosives, batteries, etc.) should be placed in the trash or recycle bin!