Street sweepers make extra passes for leaves, storm cleanup

Published on November 14, 2023

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Fall is here…and with the wind and rain, it means more leaves in the street.  

During this heavy sweeping season, street sweeping can occur anytime in the posted window on street signs.

Typical times within that overall window of time could change if there are a lot more leaves for the sweeper to clean on the route, or if a new employee is being trained. 

It’s possible the sweeper could even come after the posted time or make a second pass on a street if there are a lot of leaves, but you will not be ticketed if that occurs.

In some cases, it may take more than one week for street sweepers to get all the leaves.

How you can help

Don’t make piles of leaves in the street, which could hide rocks or other items that pose a safety hazard. Piles of leaves can clog up the sweeper, so operators are trained to go around them. That’s frustrating for residents, and the city wants to avoid that.

If you do sweep up the leaves, put them in your green waste recycling bins. That’s the best and fastest way to clean your yard and street.

Pick up tree limbs or branches that have fallen and place them in your green waste bin. Sweepers have to go around branches larger than about the size of half a person’s arm length. For large branches or those you can’t place in your own green waste bin, call the city at 562-866-9771, ext. 2140. 

When street sweepers run late

Also, during this heavy sweeping season, it’s possible that the sweepers may be running late for the time slot on your street. 

But if it is possible for you to not park on the street until the sweeper has passed, it would be appreciated and will make for the cleanest possible sweep of your street.

You will NOT receive a parking ticket if you are parked on the street after the posted time limit. 

The city greatly appreciates your cooperation in keeping your car off the street to help ensure a smooth path for the sweepers. 


With any questions or concerns about street sweeping in Lakewood, please feel free to contact Lakewood’s customer service team at 562-866-9771, ext. 2140 or