Auto Theft Most vehicle break-ins are crimes of opportunity because vehicles are left unlocked and items of value are left visible inside.
Catalytic Converters Preventing thieves from stealing a car’s catalytic converter is worth the effort.
Door-to-door soliciting scams Scams involving phony charities are often worked door-to-door. Learn what to do before you open your door.
Fumigation Burglary Prevention Are you tenting your home for termites soon? If so, you should be informed of important crime prevention measures to take during the fumigation process.
See Something, Say Something One of the most valuable tools the Sheriff’s Department has to keep Lakewood safe is the eyes and ears of Lakewood residents looking out for their neighborhood.
Telephone and government imposter scams Criminals use the phone to commit many different types of fraud, including government imposters, lottery frauds, sweepstakes fraud, and other types of scams.
Utility worker scams Be wary of unexpected visits by people claiming to be utility workers or city crews who need access to your property. Keep these tips in mind.
Vacation Security You can add to your vacation peace of mind by taking steps to ensure your home is secure when you are traveling.