In an emergency, Sheriff, fire and medical response may be delayed.
Lakewood's Survive for 7 course teaches you how to get organized and take care of yourself and your family in the immediate hours and days following a disaster.
The class is recommended for everyone ages 12 and up.
The in-person classes are a fun, easy way to learn what you need to know to help your family be ready, and you can get all your questions answered.
You will learn about the types of regional emergencies and disasters that can impact Lakewood, and what you can do now to prepare yourself and your family to survive in the seven days following a disaster when help may not be available.
Sessions are held at the Burns Community Center and run about 90 minutes. Each session concludes with a free raffle for all in attendance at the end of the seminar.
Registration is not required.
Check the Public Safety Events calendar for the free "Survive for 7" one-hour classes held throughout the year.
On-demand video class
If you prefer, you can watch the video version from your home at any time.
Survive for 7 Training from CityTVLakewoodCA on Vimeo.
Survive for 7 supply checklist(PDF, 71KB)
Emergency prep for pets