Catalytic Converter Theft Prevention Rebate Program


The City of Lakewood encourages residents to take proactive measures to protect the catalytic converter on their vehicles. 

To help, Lakewood is offering residents an opportunity to receive rebates for purchasing and installing catalytic converter anti-theft devices:

Purchase and installation of one of the two eligible catalytic converter anti-theft devices listed below: $150 rebate per vehicle

  • Catalytic Converter Protection Shield
  • Catalytic Converter 'CatClamp' style lock
  • Catalytic Converter wrap style device

The rebate program is offered on a first-come, first-served basis to Lakewood residents who have purchased and installed a theft-prevention device on or after July 1, 2024.

You may apply for two anti-theft devices installed, per residential address.

Rebates are available until program funding is expended – apply early for best opportunity at receiving a rebate.

How to apply 

  • Apply online (be prepared to upload photos of the items required) :

Catalytic Converter Theft Prevention Rebate Application

Complete the following steps:

  1. Check the requirements for each rebate and follow the steps.
  2. Fill out the Lakewood Catalytic Converter Anti-Theft Protection form (use the online forms, or the PDF form if you prefer to mail it in.)
  3. Include copies (or upload copies to the online form) of all of these items:
  • Valid government-issued ID displaying your name and Lakewood residential address.
  • Current utility bill (water, electricity, gas, phone) registered in the name and Lakewood address on your valid government-issued ID, dated no sooner than 60 days of when you submit your application.
  • A copy of your current vehicle registration, matching your government-issued ID, showing the vehicle's license plate number and VIN.
  • A photo of the same vehicle's license plate displaying current vehicle registration tabs.

Eligibility requirements

  1. Reside in the City of Lakewood and have a valid government issued ID displaying your City of Lakewood residential address.
  2. Have a current utility bill (water, electricity, gas, phone) registered in your name to your City of Lakewood residential address, matching the Lakewood address on your valid government issued ID. Your utility bill must be dated no sooner than 60 days of when you submit your application.
  3. Have proof of current vehicle registration matching your name and residential Lakewood address on your current government-issued ID, showing the vehicle's license plate number and VIN. 
  4. Personally own the vehicle in which the catalytic converter anti-theft device was installed and/or personally own the vehicle in which the vehicle's VIN was engraved onto the catalytic converter.

NOTE: If applying for rebates for more than one vehicle registered to the same address, please provide the registration information for each vehicle. 


Catalytic Converter Anti-Theft Device Rebate Requirements

To be eligible for the catalytic converter anti-theft protection rebate ($150 per vehicle, up to two vehicles per household):

• Each device must have a minimum purchase and installation cost of $150.00 or greater, pre-tax

• Each device must be installed onto the vehicle

• Vehicle with the catalytic converter anti-theft device installed has current vehicle registration tabs displayed on its license plate


NOTE: The total combined purchase and installation amount must be $150 or greater, before applicable taxes and fees.