Water Wise Rebates

Even without rebates, installing water-wise landscaping and irrigation devices is a "gift that keeps on giving" with permanently reduced water bills. 

The same is true for water-efficient toilets and appliances. 

Check the information below to find out about water-saving rebate programs available to you. 

Metropolitan Water District turf removal rebates

The MWD will offer a rebate of $3 per square foot of turf removal, up to 5,000 square feet for residents and a rebate of $2 per square foot of turf removal up to 50,000 square feet for businesses.

Information on the program and how to apply is at the Be Water Wise website.

Need help getting ready for turf replacement? Check out the free classes to get you started.

Lakewood's Turf Removal and Subsurface Irrigation Rebate Programs

The Lakewood City Council allocated $25,000 to fund residential turf rebate projects for City of Lakewood water customers. (Golden State Water customers should contact 800-999-4033 to check for available rebates.)

All applications must be pre-approved with a water account in good standing prior to starting your project. Review and print the complete Water Rebate Packet, which includes program requirements, pre-applications, and information on device rebates(PDF, 2MB).

View the approved list of irrigation devices.

Water customers may also participate in Metropolitan Water District’s landscape rebate project, while funds last.

Buried utilities can exist just about anywhere on your property, so it’s important to call DigAlert before you start digging on a landscape remodel project in your parkway.

DigAlert can help you prevent damage to underground utilities and avoid service interruptions one of two ways:

This is a 100% free service and required by law anytime you dig. 

Rebates for water-efficient toilets and appliances

Rebates are available to Lakewood water customers through the Metropolitan Water District for several outdoor and indoor water conservation devices, including:

  • High-efficiency washing machines.
  • High-efficiency toilets.
  • Rain barrels and cisterns.
  • Rotating nozzles for pop-up sprinkler headers.
  • Weather-based irrigation controllers.
  • Soil moisture sensor systems.

For details on these rebates and their current availability, go to the SoCal Water Smart website or call (800) 506-9073. Submittal of an application to the Metropolitan Water District does not guarantee approval or payment.