Memorial Day

Speaker at podium for Memorial Day

Each year on Memorial Day, the City of Lakewood invites residents to join in the annual tribute to the men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.

The Memorial Day program traditionally includes:

  • Remarks from Lakewood’s mayor
  • Flag presentation by the Lakewood High School Naval JROTC.
  • A musical tribute to those who have served in the armed forces, as well as a stirring performance of "Taps."
  • The live reading of the poem "The Boys of Del Valle Park," written by the late Dennis Lander, an original Lakewood resident and Vietnam veteran.

The event is sponsored by the City of Lakewood in conjunction with American Legion Post 496 and Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 756, and the program also honors the members of these local veterans organizations who have died during the past year.

For those unable to attend, Lakewood CityTV will produce a video of the event, which is made available on the city website and eMagazine about two weeks after Memorial Day.